Пушкинская карта
Оценка качества услуг музея
Экскурсия по новой экспозиции "В гостях у печатника"
Выставка "Лёгкой поступью по мостовой"
Поэтический концерт «…И развились знамена чести…»


    The museum “Alexandrovskaya Sloboda” is situated on the territory of the Alexandrov kremlin, which holds a unique position among the most famous historical and cultural sights of Russia.
         In 2013 the Alexandrov kremlin celebrates the jubilee – it is 500 years old! The Alexandrov kremlin was founded and prospered in the turbulent 16th century – the time of the reign of the first Russian tsar Ivan the 4th, also known as Ivan the Terrible. It was the period when the lands of Russia were united and formed the single state, when the foundations of absolute monarchy were laid down, when Russia established itself as the largest European power.
        In the 16th century the Alexandrov kremlin became the uncrowned capital of Russia for 17 years. Ivan the 4th ruled over the country from the palaces of Sloboda, here he met with ambassadors from different countries: England, Sweden, Denmark, Crimean Khanate and other. In the Alexandrov kremlin tsar’s wedding ceremonies took place twice. So the Alexandrov kremlin became the major political and cultural centre of the medieval Russia.
        The considerable part of fascinating palaces and temples of the Alexandrov kremlin built by eminent Russian and Italian architects in the 16th century has remained to our time.
        Our museum gives the visitors an excellent opportunity to enjoy an exciting journey into the Russian Middle Ages. The great history of the Alexandrov kremlin is reflected in 18 museum exhibitions.
         The most interesting among them are the following:
    “Tsar’s Court in the Alexandrov Kremlin”.
    The main exhibition of our museum tells about the brightest pages in the history of the Alexandrov kremlin connected with the name of Ivan the Terrible.
    “Private Church of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible”.
    You’ll see a unique fresco painting decorated the tent-roof of the tsar’s private church and a wonderful white-stone carved portal.
    “Tsar Ivan the Terrible in Painting”.
    The painting exhibition shows a contradictory image of the tsar Ivan the Terrible depicted by artists of different historical periods: from the 18th century up to our days.
    “Refectory of the 16th Century”.
    How were foreign ambassadors and noble guests welcomed by the tsar Ivan the Terrible during the feasts? The answers are to find in the exhibition.
    “Tsar’s Bedchamber”.
    You’ll see the chamber used for the first night after the wedding of the tsar. The interior of the chamber is penetrated with the spirit of Christian traditions and Russian pagan symbolism.
    “Medieval Vaults”.
    You can feel the mysterious atmosphere of the medieval torture chamber.
         Our guides will help you to make a wonderful journey into the history of the Russian Middle Ages. The excursion lasts about 2 hours. The minimal number of visitors for the excursion is 5 people. Excursions should be booked beforehand by telephone 8-(49244)-2-03-97 or by an e-mail muzeum@rambler.ru.
         In our museum you can also enjoy different interactive programs: “Choosing the tsar’s bride”, “Match-making”, “Russian tea ceremony”, “Tsar’s Kvass” and other.
    The main excursion - 440 rubles per person.
    Interactive programs:
    “Choosing the tsar’s bride” - 80 rubles per person.
    “Match-making” – 80 rubles per person.
    “Russian tea ceremony” - 80 rubles per person.
    “Tsar’s Kvass” – 80 rubles per person.
         In summer you can also enjoy the view of the Alexandrov kremlin from the height of 25 meters. It costs 60 rubles.

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